
Although I've had some interest in anime since I got into Japanese RPGs around the turn of the millennium, I haven't watched nearly as much of it as I probably should have by now. One of my resolutions for 2024 is to watch more anime.
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February 19, 2024
I finished Outlaw Star a few days ago (February 16). I have mixed feelings about the series. On the one hand, I feel like each episode mostly felt self-contained and didn't seem to advance the larger plot very much until about the last three episodes. The ending was nice, but I felt like the conclusion of the story could have been done better. That said, it's still a fun show to watch, and I really like its setting and aesthetics. Some of my favorite episodes are Episode 15, "The Seven Emerge," Episode 20, "Cats and Girls and Spaceships," and Episode 22, "Gravity Jailbreak."
Anime I've Watched (An Incomplete List)
- Akira
- Black Lagoon
- Dr. Stone (including Dr. Stone: Stone Wars, Dr. Stone: Ryuusui, and Dr. Stone: New World)
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
- Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet
- Kuroko no Basuke
- Outlaw Star